Foundations of NoGi: Theories & Concepts

Foundations of NoGi: Theories & Concepts

Foundations of No Gi Grappling: Concepts and Theories brought to you by 10th Planet Black Belt Corey Guitard is designed to deepen your understanding of No Gi Grappling.

The goal of this BJJ instructional is to provide you with a conceptual explanation of Jiu Jitsu, a deeper look at the fundamental theories of the art, and a better understanding of the underlying principles that dictate and guide all the moves you learn, be it at the gym or online.

Why is this instructional different?
By learning and developing a deeper understanding of the fundamentals, you will have the knowledge to structure your game properly. Instead of simply learning a variety of moves, you will be able to create processes and frameworks tailored to different situations and positions.

Who is this instructional for?
For white belts who want to have a solid foundation of No Gi Grappling.
For blue belts who want to deepen their understanding of the art and feel more confident in their Jiu Jitsu.
For purple, brown and black belts that are looking for an extra source of knowledge and a maybe even a new way to structure their game.
For any grappler that wants to improve quicker at jiu jitsu, whether you suffer from gaps on the basics or looking for an edge in class or competition.

Professor Corey has a unique approach to the art and the ability to simplify otherwise complex theories, which will help you evolve your Jiu Jitsu rapidly and efficiently.

We are confident that you will enjoy learning from this exceptional teacher and athlete.

***Prices are in USD

Foundations of NoGi: Theories & Concepts